Empty and Overflowing Cups

"Oh, this is a real temptation for you."⁣

He pointed to the card he had just turned over. I strained to see it in the dark alcove of the magic shop in the French Quarter.⁣

The Five of Cups. Regret, despair. Recently, it had been a visitor to my own tarot drawings, but I had never seen this rendering of it. (I have a very non-traditional deck, one that I am absolutely in love with.)⁣

⁣"Look here," he said. "The woman is so focused on the three cups of spilled wine that she is completely ignoring the two full cups sitting behind her that remain."⁣

⁣I flashed back to a moment the previous week. I had been doing a mini-life review in the room of my house where I do my coaching, which I often think of as my "chapel." At my age, barring any major health challenges, I figured that I had about two decades of decent productivity left, give or take. ⁣

With my transition in the past few years from corporate life to coaching, I have generally felt like I am (finally) On My Path. But still, it can be hard for me to let go of regret for all the time it took to get me there--wondering about what might have been possible had I started earlier. Those feelings had been especially keen that week.⁣

But there they were now. Two cups, two decades. Full to the brim, and waiting for me.⁣

As if to emphasize the point, he said, "Do you see the clock in the tree behind her? These cups exist in time." That is, there is time left. For me.⁣

On the ride home to Baton Rouge that night, my BFF who had gone with me on this adventure got a text from our like-hearted friend. She had been following our journey to New Orleans with wistful interest, and had gotten a strong intuitive hit that evening. "So, did the Five of Cups come up in Chris's reading?"⁣

Oh boy. Did it ever.⁣

Image from Llewellyn Wizards Tarot (the one used by the reader)⁣